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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura

After the Master

Orientation and Job Placement

The Orientation and Job Placement Service (OJP) provides the master graduates with information and assistance on their own professional identity and their future career.

State Exams for professional qualification

For those who want to work as a professional architect in Italy: each year the Ministry of Education, University and Research organizes two sessions (June and November) of the State Exams for professional qualification of the Architects.


Almalaurea is a database of all the graduates of all the Almalaurea association’s universities. The database aims to minimize the time spent for meeting labour supply and demand facilitating:

  • graduates access to job opportunities;
  • companies research for specialized employees.
Post-graduate courses

Post-graduate Courses offer updating and in-depth studies in specific disciplines.

2nd Level Masters

2nd Level Masters are scientific and higher order courses issuing a post graduate degree.

Specialization schools

Specialization schools provides the students with a specialization in a particular professional field. These courses require a compulsory attendance and have a minimum two years duration.

PhD programme

PhD programme is the third education cycle. These programmes aim to provide students with research skills and capacities.

PhD students are selected through a contest.

 Post-graduate Admnistrative Office The Post-graduate Administrative Office is concerned in the administrative activities of post-graduates courses Students.
last update: 02-Aug-2016
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