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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura

International Mobility

International Mobility Office


International Relation Office

Florence School of Architecture

Via della Mattonaia, 8 - 50121 Florence

tel. +39 055 275 5422 - 5394 - 5428


Coordinator: Prof. Camilla Perrone



Please note that a preliminary meeting with prof.ssa Tessa Matteini (erasmus delegate) is needed before to submit the proposal and before to visit the erasmus office. To ask for an appointment write to: Prof. Carlo Pisano carlo.pisano(AT)


For further informations consult the following webpage (outgoing students):





In order to promote the international mobility of students, l’Università degli Studi di Firenze and the Tongji University have signed an agreement for the creation of a common training path shared within the Master of Architectural Design and the Master of Architecture aimed at issuing a double degree.

last update: 31-Mar-2021
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