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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura


The master’s graduation thesis (12 CFU) is preferably an individual work, supervised by one ICAD professor (tutor), possibly with the help of a co-tutor. It has to be written and defended in English against a committee of faculty members. The master’s graduation thesis includes:

  • a written scientific report;
  • ten A0 panels.

To ease presentation and discussion, a power-point presentation is recommended.

In case of multiple authorship, the design work is proportionally increased and subdivided among the candidates according to the supervisor’s judgment.

The candidate critically presents and analyses her/his original design work experience concerning a specific topic agreed and developed with a supervisor/s (tutor and co-tutor). The evaluation of the master’s graduation thesis depends on:

  • the weighted average of the marks got at the exams (66-110 points)
  • the mark got at the final dissertation (max 8 additional points)

Research theses not concerning a specific architectural design may be developed in any of the subjects of the ICAD syllabus, if duly motivated by the supervisor and approved by the Didactic committee.

last update: 19-Oct-2017
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